In part two of our law firm growth series, we’re dissecting the uncomfortable truth that you’re probably doing one simple thing the wrong way. When looking to grow your firm, instead of throwing money away at marketing campaigns that may not produce results, this live stream discusses a proven tactic that you already have at your disposal to bolster your marketing system.
Access the stream of this event on-demand. Submit the form here and view it for free! If you missed episode one, you can view that here.
Identifying Blind Spots (7:00)
To begin, a history lesson. John Patterson opened a general store in Dayton Ohio in 1879. He had a steady stream of customers but found that while balancing his books that he was slipping into debt. What he was slowly coming to grips with was that employees were stealing his money and giving away goods to friends for free. You see, the store had an open till that wasn’t being monitored. (Sort of like law firm marketing efforts but we will get to that later) John then invested in one of the very first cash registers and ultimately he started to turn a profit. John identified his blind spot, and made a simple yet effective change that put cash in his pocket. Most modern law firms have a glaring blind spot — their phones.
When you are building your system — you have to identify your blind spots. Are your employees following a step by step system when answering phone calls? Do they input information into a CRM? If not, how are those potential customers going to be followed up with?
According to Bert’s extensive testing, by simply following up with new leads via phone by 4%, your hire appointments are increased by 6%! Owning your phones can ultimately grow your business by 33% in one year.
Find the Source (16:26)
If you’re not tracking your leads — you’re going to be out of business quickly. By identifying where your leads are coming from, you can double down on what’s working and get rid of what’s not. By evaluating these marketing efforts, and making monthly changes before it’s too late, you can save tons of time and money by pinpointing your law firms most prosperous way of gaining and winning clients
Connect the Dots (20:36)
Once you stack your numbers together, the goal is to find the low-hanging fruit. There is always “too much to do” but by identifying the one or two opportunities that are going to have massive results, it’s easier to prioritize.
When thinking about your pipeline, one way to prioritize where your attention should be focused is to look at those that did not hire you first. Call them. Identify what their issue was, and work on strategies to not make the same mistake with future clients. Make this outbound phone call part of your process, and you will learn a tremendous amount about your firm.
Listen to the full live stream below
The full recording of the live stream goes in-depth into the above topics, plus a preview of the final installment of our law firm growth series. Fill out the form to access the recording below.