Lawyers need a range of tools, from the various features in legal case management software to the equipment they use in their offices. This diverse set of resources enables them to maintain client relations, conduct thorough legal research, and manage cases effectively. Modern law practice demands proficiency not only in legal expertise but also in leveraging these tools to maximize efficiency and accuracy.

The legal profession requires a blend of technology and traditional case management tools, including everything from basic office supplies to advanced digital solutions. This integration of different tools reflects the changing nature of the legal profession, where adaptability and resourcefulness are key. In this handy guide, we’ll explore the top tools legal professionals are using so you know exactly what to buy for your practice.

What Equipment Do Lawyers Use?

From managing documents to staying connected in our digital age, lawyers rely on an array of equipment to thrive in their profession, such as:

High-Speed Scanners

High-speed scanners are a practical solution for law firms grappling with large volumes of paperwork in an increasingly digital world. While many sectors move towards paperless operations, law firms often still have to deal with stacks of documents. A high-quality scanner can quickly transform an avalanche of paperwork into searchable, secure, and easily manageable digital files.

Laptops, Smartphones, and Tablets

It’s fairly common nowadays for attorneys to have a laptop, smartphone, and tablet in their arsenal. The laptop runs everything at the office, allowing lawyers to prepare legal documents, complete legal research, and manage their firm using practice management software. 

Smartphones and tablets provide instant access to emails, court updates, and the ability to text clients or colleagues, whether as tools used in court or a meeting outside the office. For lawyers hesitant to give out their personal number, consider using the business texting for law firms feature in PracticePanther, which gives you a custom phone number for your law firm that you can use on any device.

eFax Solutions

Surprisingly, fax machines are still a go-to communication method for many businesses. Personal injury firms know this well, as many medical facilities still cling to faxing only, likely due to the HITECH Act. While the Act encourages the use of electronic systems, it also imposes stricter penalties for data breaches. These penalties have led many medical entities to stick with faxing, as it’s a familiar system that meets the compliance standards set out in the Act. Thankfully, with electronic faxing (or “eFaxing”), you don’t have to have a clunky fax machine to communicate with these businesses.

Video Conference Equipment

Video conferencing is now one of many essential skills of a lawyer due to the rise of remote work and virtual meetings, including ongoing remote court proceedings. For example, the Indiana Supreme Court’s decision in 2023 to allow broad use of online platforms in non-testimonial proceedings further supports these law firm technology trends. 

Start with purchasing a high-quality webcam, which is crucial for reading body language and expressions during legal interactions. Consider getting a high-quality ring light as well to illuminate your face and professional appearance. Additionally, professional microphones help ensure clear, distortion-free audio, which can be critical in legal discussions where every word counts. 

What Technology Does a Lawyer Use?

What Technology Does a Lawyer Use?

Beyond basic tech equipment for the office, lawyers also use a wide variety of virtual technology, such as:

One vital piece of technology is legal case management software. For example, PracticePanther, the all-in-one legal case management software, offers an array of features that streamline the practice of law and running a law firm. This software organizes client information, case files, billing, and calendars in one place, enabling firm staff to access critical data quickly. Its intuitive design helps track important deadlines and automate routine tasks, saving valuable time. Check out these features and more for yourself with a free trial.

Virtual Receptionists

Hiring a full-time receptionist may not be feasible for smaller or solo practices, and missing calls can give clients the impression of inattention, potentially driving them to competitors. Virtual receptionists present an efficient solution, ensuring every call is answered professionally at a more affordable cost than an in-house receptionist. Virtual receptionists can start the intake process, answer basic queries, set appointments, and connect callers to the right staff member.

Time Tracking Software

What do lawyers spend most of their time doing? Some may jokingly reply, “Billing! It takes up way more time than it should.” All lawyers know time tracking and billing are vital to cash flow, but the whole process is tedious. This is why many firms use time tracking software, allowing them to accurately record billable hours with only a few clicks. Time tracking software ensures transparent billing practices, helps assess productivity, and ultimately boosts your bottom line.

Digital Marketing Platforms

Although traditional marketing methods like TV, radio, and newspapers are still important for many practice areas, digital marketing must also be a consideration for your law firm. Online presence is a necessity in this digital era, and firms without it will likely lose clients to firms that have it. Lawyers can easily create an online presence with various digital marketing platforms. These platforms allow firms to create and share content, make websites, engage with their audience, analyze market trends, and so much more.

Trust Accounting Software

Maintaining trust accounts is a critical responsibility for all lawyers, and trying to do this without trust accounting software is simply not advisable. This software tracks deposits and withdrawals, maintains accurate records, and ensures adherence to legal financial standards.

5 Extra Things Lawyers Need to Buy

You’re likely no stranger to the essential tools used by a lawyer—the law books, the research tools, the courtroom attire—but there are a few often-overlooked extras that can significantly elevate the quality of your work and comfort. Let’s explore these hidden gems that every attorney should consider:

Things Lawyers Need to Buy
  1. Mobile Hotspot: In a world driven by connectivity, a mobile hotspot is invaluable. It ensures a reliable internet connection, regardless of location—in court, at a client meeting, or while traveling. This tool is particularly useful when public Wi-Fi is not secure or unavailable, allowing lawyers to access vital information and communicate with clients.
  2. Second Monitor: A second monitor is a simple yet effective upgrade. It offers more screen space, making multitasking easier and more efficient. Lawyers often work with multiple documents simultaneously; having an extra monitor reduces the need to switch between tabs and windows, saving time and reducing errors.
  3. Blue Light Glasses: Hours spent in front of screens can take a toll on your eyes. Blue light glasses can help reduce eye strain and discomfort caused by prolonged computer use. They are a simple yet effective solution for maintaining visual comfort during those long legal research sessions.
  4. Ergonomic Keyboard and Desk Chair: Legal work often involves extended hours at the desk. Investing in an ergonomic keyboard and a comfortable desk chair can help prevent discomfort and potential health issues. Additionally, consider the option of a standing desk, which promotes a healthier posture and reduces the negative impact of extended sitting.
  5. Professional-Grade Shredder: Lawyers know that safeguarding client information is an ethical imperative. A professional-grade shredder acts as the last line of defense in this task. If your firm is disposing of large volumes of documents, consider hiring a shredding service to take care of it all for you.

While these extras will all improve your legal practice, the number one essential for any attorney is all-in-one legal case management software like PracticePanther. It streamlines your casework, client communication, time tracking, and more, ultimately elevating your efficiency and the quality of your legal services. Schedule a demo today to see it in action, or sign up for a free trial to test it yourself.

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