Law Office Management for the Modern Attorney

Few professionals feel first-hand the importance of streamlining internal procedures than the legal entrepreneur. This is because attorneys who run their own firms must shoulder tremendous responsibility on three ends: the responsibility they hold to their clients, the responsibility they hold to their employees, and, of course, the responsibilities they hold to their firm itself. As technology’s presence becomes more and more of a staple in modern business dealings, it follows that the most successful law firms are those who have harnessed automation to help with procedures across all avenues of responsibilities. Read on to discover some holy-grail automation tools that will make all the difference in the lives of legal entrepreneurs when focusing on law office management.

For Your Colleagues: IFTTT

This tool, whose abbreviated name stands for “If This, Then That” is an incredibly intelligent series of workflows that trigger each other and complete actions with minimal effort from you. These triggers operate under conditional statements; that is, if Action X is accomplished, then Action Y will automatically proceed in the workflow. For example, if your law firm’s Facebook page is updated with a post, IFTTT can make it so your firm’s Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and other social media channels are updated instantaneously, as well. Social media maintenance is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to this tool, and if harnessed correctly, it can do wonders to improve your firm’s internal procedures.

For Your Firm: Nest Cam

This tool is an extraordinary investment in maintaining the safety of your firm. Equipped with both sophisticated video and sharp audio recording, this versatile little camera can be placed anywhere in your office. The coolest part? It recognizes the faces of your firm’s employees and will alert you if any unauthorized stranger is detected in your firm. The Nest cam is a smart automation device that delivers security updates straight to the palm of your hand, allowing you to monitor your firm’s safety no matter where you are.

For Your Clients: Law Practice Management Software

This one is a bit of a cheat, because law practice management software benefits far, far more than just your clients. In fact, it is the ultimate law office management tool. The best practice management software is, of course, designed with your clients in mind. They offer a secure client portal, 256-bit security encryption, Gmail plugins to facilitate communication, and integrations with the most sophisticated client relationship management platforms (to name a few). However, law practice management software also works to streamline your firm’s procedures and revolutionize its productivity via tools like an internal chat function, automated workflow generation, sophisticated email and calendar syncs, and text reminders directly to your phone. To invest in law practice management software is to invest in the future of law office management. 

Taking Your Law Office Management to the Future

The outlined features comprise not even the tip of the iceberg as far as optimizing your firm’s automation procedures. However, by implementing automatic workflows, investing in smart security features, and choosing the most intuitive practice management solution you can, you’ll have set your firm up not only for success but for the future.  

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