This week, we’re featuring an attorney with a passion for giving advice “without the B.S.” Michael Carbone is the owner and managing attorney of the Staten Island, NY based law firm, Carbone Law. Founded in 2019, the firm uses a modern approach to assist its clients with immigration law, business law and employment law matters. With the use of legal technology, like online billing and an interactive client portal, Carbone Law provides innovative solutions to provide a streamlined experience for its clients. 

Guided by the mission to “better our client’s lives by delivering exceptional legal services tailored to each individual’s unique experiences,” Michael Carbone, counsels his clients on a variety of legal issues. From humanitarian and family-based immigration applications to advising business owners on formation, governance and compliance with complex laws, Michael leads with the client in mind. 

Michael has been practicing law for about 9 years and is an active member of the American Immigration Lawyers Association,  New York City Bar Association and Richmond County Bar Association. He is also passionate about supporting social justice initiatives, has volunteered his time with Vote Forward and donates food and other perishables to the local food pantries scattered throughout New York City. 

What advice would you give to other lawyers?

Michael: Be kind to one another and don’t lose out on an opportunity to mentor or be mentored by others in the profession. We often choose to treat every interaction with one another as adversarial, due to the nature of lawyering, but instead we should focus on building professional relationships and finding ways to break down or dispel the myths or reasons why so many people distrust or avoid lawyers. Respect, integrity and personality go very far in the legal profession, don’t miss the chance to build a community of colleagues that you’re proud to work with. 

How does PracticePanther help you manage Carbone Law?

Michael: When I launched my practice in 2019, I knew that I wanted to use practice management software and took a chance with PracticePanther and I’m so glad that I did. I use PracticePanther every day to manage client files, communicate with clients via the client portal, send and track invoices and collect payments via PantherPayments! 

Why did you become a lawyer?

Michael: The real impact of why I became a lawyer can truly be felt each time I work on a case that changes my client’s life for the better. I would like to think that this is true for all cases I handle, but there are certainly more impactful matters that stand out amongst the rest. I knew back in college that I wanted to provide a voice to people who could not adequately defend, protect or represent themselves. I learned early in my career that as a lawyer, I am capable of improving other people’s lives and providing a sense of relief knowing that they are not alone.  

Looking back 5 years, what would you have told yourself?

Michael: I would have told myself to launch my law firm sooner! I had contemplated for a few years about starting my own law practice and it wasn’t until 2019 that I decided to officially launch. The best advice I could have given myself would have been to set my concerns and fears aside because I have a tremendous network of family, friends and colleagues that are available to help make my law firm successful. While running my own business has come with its own ups and downs (especially trying to survive through a once in a lifetime pandemic!) It’s been an incredibly rewarding experience and I continue to grow and learn everyday about myself, my career and how I can best deliver my services to my clients.  

What’s the worst advice you’ve ever received as a lawyer?

Michael: “Just refer your client to me.” There have been many occasions where I’ve reached out to a more experienced attorney seeking advice or commentary on a situation that I was handling for a client, only to be treated as competition or an opportunity to make quick money. I always conduct my due diligence before reaching out to another attorney and most often when I connect with a colleague they are supportive, helpful and tend to steer me in the right direction. However, there are times when I’ve sent an introductory email or made a phone call only to be told that they would be happy to take my client from me. Going back to my point above, I think there is tremendous value for both parties in building mentorship relationships amongst colleagues and moments like these are lost opportunities.  

Outlook on Carbone Law and LegalTech

Michael: I love that PracticePanther is always being updated to offer the latest and most efficient tools to help streamline my practice. The customer service is outstanding and the willingness to hear and implement customer feedback to make PracticePanther better is what keeps me coming back. I can’t wait to see what’s coming in the next updates! 

If you’re ready to take your law practice to the next level like Carbone Law, you can book a custom demo to learn more about the time-saving and client enhancing features PracticePanther has to offer. 

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